Vivaldi will not be my daily driver, not by a long shot. Some of the source is proprietary and closed-source, it runs on Chromium whereas I prefer a Firefox based browser and this whole reputation nonsense in order to create an email address to try out is the only reason I’m writing this to be honest. The email function is solely what I wanted to see, as I have a strange fixation with trying out different email providers. Though I have to admit, the large amount of personalization that can be achieved in Vivaldi has me intrigued. And reading through its history, it does seem to be owned by someone who has great interest in seeing a independent browser succeed in this market. It is also based in Iceland and Norway, which both have great policies in regard to privacy. My other main focus, apart from trying out email providers, is privacy though, which is why I daily drive hardened Firefox and Mullvad Browser. Vivaldi will probably never reach the privacy levels of these two browsers, but its level of customization along with its company and its history has me keeping VIvaldi on my PC for a little while longer.